I took the term collection from Ryder Caroll’s bullet journal method. The way I’m using “collection” here is less like a doll or trading card collection and more of a list of things that I’m interested in and want to keep track of and remember. You’ll see this space grow intermittently and unevenly and that’s part of the fun of it.
Field Notes
A page dedicated to my collection of Field Notes notebooks, including photos of ones that I have filled so far.
Becoming Human: A Steven Universe Future Site
A very unfinished fan site of Steven Universe Future, the limited series by Rebecca Sugar.
3rd Voice
Ponderous and unfinished notes on my favorite webcomic, Evan Dahm's fantasy series 3rd Voice
A short list of my favorite webcomics. Not a webcomics primer, just ones that have been meaningful to me. Non-specific content warnings.
Tiny CSS Projects
Web pages of my work in the book Tiny CSS Projects.
I love a good list. That's about all I can say about this one.
Website Notes
This is my place to keep my thoughts as I continue to learn HTML and CSS and build this website. There may be some Web Revival Manifeso-y stuff in here, but it's really just a longer format website journal.